There is no
one way. There is no right way. There is no perfect way. Prayer is usually
conceived as a religious ritual and practice by the means of calling upon a
higher source (God/Jesus/Allah/etc.) to bring goodness into one’s life,
especially in times of tribulation. I am not an anti-prayer, but I have viewed
that some people tend to be in a negative or desperate mindset when doing so,
and that is when things can result in a not-so-desired outcome.
Prayer can be
very powerful and efficient if we understand what we are doing when we close
our eyes, ask for help, kneel, fold our hands, etc. If you pray, you may
imagine that you are speaking to a source outside of yourself who is
controlling your life and things that happen. We must see that if we are
‘created in the likeness of Him’ or that we are created, period, by a Source,
which we are, then that means we are part of that Source. Some people also
meditate, and contrary to anyone’s belief, prayer and meditation are one and
the same ONLY if thoroughly understood.
What am I
getting at? Well, for starters, we are all connected. We all have purpose
beyond our physical form, and that our subconscious, or our soul, is the true
being of us. It is our gateway to all knowledge. Why some may not be so in tune
with this portal is due to the structure of human life and society- overcome by
what we are told, the business of the physical life, and of course the
electronic-driven culture we are conveniently but noxiously endowed with.
Also, all
things happen for a reason and at the right time for us, whether we realize it
or not. If we did not have turbulence and bumps in the road, life would be
boring and we would never learn from our experiences. Our soul (subconscious)
is what’s really driving us into these situations and are all unique to each
individual, which present to us a path of choices so that we may make the
wisest one for our well-being. It is when our focus becomes cloudy and we do
not take the time to quiet ourselves and look within that we take the lesser
road. Once we are actually able to listen to our own silence, we will begin to
gain clarity of accepting the circumstances at hand in order to stabilize a
positive outlook and to have strength to get through it and make the best
choices possible.
To extend on
quieting ourselves, let’s understand that the term “following your heart” isn’t
necessarily the way to go. Your heart is the connection to your feelings and
emotions. It is not wise to let those lead you all of the time. You must have
balance between your feelings/emotions and your logic. Logic truly is the
liaison for our soul. So it is best not to make a decision based on feelings
alone, because feelings can change. We need time to step out of the situation,
be in silence, and let the answers come to you. It is amazing what you realize
when you do this. Having a positive mindset is one of the most vital elements
to ‘praying’. If you come into it feeling helpless, lost, upset, angry…you are
bound to be guarding against any answers or possibilities that would be the key
to moving forward. Being receptive is also a major element. In order to gain
understanding of a situation at hand that you are praying about, you must be
ready for the answer. It may not come to you immediately, but you should be
open to any signs, messages, gut feelings, and thoughts that come your way. You
must also be receptive to any choices you have made to lead you up to that
Let’s say
that you lost your job- that seems to be a fairly typical circumstance. Many
would be frantic, devastated, even angered at this. But if you are not too
quick to judge or blame, and to reflect on your steps, you may see what led you
to this. Were you often late? Did you make any mistakes? Did you have a poor
attitude or say impolite things? Have you been there a shorter amount of time
than others? Were you not focused? It could be many things, and it is always at
your fault, but it is always good to assess before jumping to conclusions. The
next step is to accept the circumstance. What’s done is done.
Next, know
that there is something planned for you- a new venture, a new job, a new
opportunity that will be better than the last. If you are open and perceptive
to any messages that lead you to it, then you will have the answer you were
looking for when the time is right. If you become negative and hopeless, you
may end up in a job that will be the same if not worse than before. You may
stay unhappy. You may make desperate decisions that would cause you to be
homeless, addicted to drugs or alcohol, or worse.
Our inner
self is always speaking to us- guiding us- but if we are not open and
receptive, if we do not calm our emotions, if we do not stop to ground and
silence ourselves, if we do not be accepting and have a positive outlook, we
can easily get lost in a faux scheme of prayer. No one is out there to hold our
hand because we are the bearer of our destiny.
transferred- original post date 02/17/2012
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