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Friday, July 24, 2015

2012- How Change Can Really Happen

It’s 2012. It’s almost election time. It’s a very confusing and disappointing line-up of presidential candidates this time around, don’t you agree?

If not, there would be a high level of biased views on your part to see the big picture….So let me go ahead and clarify some things and present some rather valid points….

-There is no such thing as the perfect president. We all will have something we do not agree with or support in each candidate’s views.

-No single person (i.e. the President) will make great change or ‘fix things’ in the duration of their term, let alone solely by himself/herself ever, especially with the way our government is set up, with Congress tending to be the ring leader. So quit blaming the president for everything. Presidents often become the puppet of the federal government, under the control of Congress.

-The US Government has been corrupted longer that some of you realize. Let’s not get confused with the suffering of the economy (which cannot be solely blamed on the 2008 housing market bubble/crash or even the Reagan or Bush administrations, though much upheaval has come from these periods of time). In 1913, politicians made it so that the value of US currency was diluted due to the creation of the Federal Reserve, with the US dollar losing 96% of it’s value. Ever since then, US currency has gradually lost more and more of it’s true value and is now plagued as a symbol of wealth or strife more than anything, thus contributing to the deterioration of the government and our economy.

-On top of this, our government has become gradually more and more manipulative and deceiving in their ways, partially due to the currency devaluation. I can’t even fathom how long it would take to get it back to some sort of functional normalcy. Our government was created with a certain amount of bodies and representatives, and now it has become over-saturated with ‘career politicians’.

-Currently, if one were to research, there has been found to be at least 15 of the 27 Constitutional Amendments being violated by our own government- including most of the original first 10 (correct if there are more):
I. Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression
II. Right to Bear Arms
III. Quartering of Soldiers
IV. Search and Seizure
V. Trial and Punishment, Compensation for Takings
VI. Right to Speedy Trial, Confrontation of Witnesses
IX. Construction of Constitution
X. Powers of the States of People
XI. Choosing the President, Vice President
XIII. Slavery Abolished
XIV. Citizenship Rights
XV. Race No Bar To Vote
XXVII. Limiting Changes to Congressional Pay
(Please read here for definitions & details:

-The ideal option, as “We the People”, would be to completely wipe the slate clean, clearing out all federal government officials and starting over with the originally created representatives and structure and not allow for growth. The dilemmas to this are, though as we the people should have the right to make these changes, are that, as I said before, Congress and other structures of the federal government now having a stranglehold on us, as well as the destructiveness of the Federal Reserve, and lobbying.

- We need to end several things: Corporate involvement in the government; Lobbying needs to be abolished. The Federal Reserve; it’s doing more harm than good, allowing politicians to create money from thin air, thus spending it recklessly and taking away our currency’s true purpose. Career Politicians- especially in Congress. As in any political role, congressmen should have limited terms in order for continual and fair cycling of the congressional pool. Following me?

In short, we can all take part to make these necessary changes, and though it will take a lot of time and effort, it is what needs to be done in order to get anywhere.
Believe it or not, this is something that the Occupy movement is working towards. January 17th, 2012 may be a monumental start with Occupy Congress. I encourage you to follow the events as well as finding out what you can do to help.

We the people have the right to and the power to change this. It’s all a matter of time and commitment.

transferred- original post date 01/16/2012

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